Create Customised and User-Friendly Registration Forms

Efficient course organization begins with the right tool: custom registration forms. In this article, we will focus on this tool and demonstrate how customized, user-friendly registration forms can not only save you time but also enhance the registration process for your participants. This simplifies the sign-up process, making it quick and easy for individuals to register for your courses and recurring events. Learn how these custom forms streamline data collection and improve the overall user experience, making it simpler for participants to sign up and attend your offerings.

Unlock More Course and Event Registrations with Custom Registration Forms

For course and recurring event organizers, custom registration forms are indispensable tools for success. These forms are tailor-made to collect essential participant information, ensuring seamless organization. The flexibility to customize these forms to your exact needs, be it names, email addresses, physical locations, or phone numbers, guarantees an optimal data collection experience. Effortless data collection simplifies the registration process and ensuring a seamless experience for you and your participants.

Create custom registration forms
Create Custom Registration Forms

Our registration form feature provides you with the freedom to create customized forms that perfectly align with your course and event requirements. The intuitive interface lets you choose the order of these fields, and all your changes are visible in real-time. This ease of customization ensures you can create forms for your unique needs.

Registration Forms with Flexible Field Options

One of the standout features of custom registration forms is their flexibility. You can select from various field types such as email, text, payment, and more to gather precise and relevant data from your participants. This flexibility proves exceptionally useful when creating registration forms for your courses, events and also workshops. Allowing you to effortlessly collect the required information from your participants, as well as any additional information you would like to have on the automatically generated participant list.

Field options
Required and Optional Fields for Tailored Data Collection

The ability to decide if fields are required or optional is a valuable feature of our registration form. This adaptability empowers you to tailor your forms to capture the information most needed to your business.

Required or Optional
Real-Time Previews for an Optimal User Experience

Our custom registration forms offer real-time previews as you create them, guaranteeing that your forms meet user expectations before you publish them. The ability to fine-tune ensures a user-friendly experience, making registration a breeze for participants.

Turn on or off the preview
Time-Saving Reusable Templates for Maximum Efficiency

Simplify the process of setting up new events and courses by taking advantage of our registration templates. Our platform offers a variety of templates based on your previously created forms, saving you time and effort. You can select from these templates and personalize them to perfectly align with your new courses and events. This not only saves valuable time, but also allows for essential personalization, making your offerings more appealing to potential participants. The reusable template feature simplifies the process of setting up recurring events and courses. With this feature, you can effortlessly create and reuse registration templates, making your administrative tasks more efficient.

Reuse previously created forms
Confirmation Emails for Efficient Communication

Our registration forms facilitate the automatic sending of confirmation emails containing important event information. Efficient communication is the cornerstone of attracting and retaining participants. This feature makes the communication process as efficient as possible, setting the stage for a seamless experience.

Above: Confirmation Emails – Below: PDF Tickets
PDF Tickets for Easy Admission Control

Another powerful feature of our registration forms is the ability to generate PDF tickets directly. These tickets simplify the creation of entry passes for workshops, courses and events, making the registration process convenient and professional.

Effortless Sharing Made Simple

After creating your custom registration form save it. The next step is to share it with participants. Our platform offers an easy and user-friendly way to do this.

Share your registration form
  • Share via Link: With CourseStart, you can use the automatic generated shareable links for your registration forms. These links make it easy for potential participants to find and access your courses and events, whether you put them on your website, in social media posts, or in emails.
  • Share via QR Code: You can also share your forms using QR codes. These codes provide a quick way for participants to access your registration forms. You can use them on your promotional materials or at your event’s check-in counter. Participants can scan the QR code with their smartphones and instantly access your registration form.
  • Direct Sharing at the Counter: For in-person registration, we offer a user-friendly interface at the counter. If you’re doing on-site registration for an event or course, our platform simplifies the process. Click on the link and the registration form opens automatically. Your staff can easily fill out the registration form for participants, making registration smooth and hassle-free.

Feedback Forms for Continuous Improvement

In addition to data collection, our form feature offers a valuable tool for your business: feedback forms. These forms are indispensable for gaining insights into your customers’ needs and improving your products and services. With the flexibility to customize form fields, you can gather feedback on specific aspects of your courses and recurring events, be it customer service or product quality. This continuous feedback loop is essential for understanding your participants’ requirements and ensuring a continuous enhancement of your courses and recurring events, which ultimately attracts more attendees over time.

Example: Feedback form
CourseStart is Your Solution for Skyrocketing Registrations

Custom registration forms are the key to increasing course and recurring event registrations. They simplify data collection, boost efficiency, and provide an outstanding user experience, ultimately attracting more participants. Use these powerful tools to optimize your courses and events, making it easier for individuals to sign up and attend your offerings, leading to a significant boost in registrations. Your personal solution for achieving more sign-ups and registrations.