Get a Clear View of Your Course Registrations with Our Automated List Feature

As a course provider or instructor, managing your course registrations can be challenging, especially if you have multiple courses and participants. However, with our platform, you can view all your course registrations in one place with an automatically generated list. In this blog post, we’ll explore how our platform can help you manage your course registrations and provide a detailed view of all your registered participants.

Automatically Generated List: One of the key features is the automatically generated list of all your courses and their associated registration information. This makes it easy for you to view and manage all your course registrations in one place. With this feature, you can save time and easily keep track of all your registrations without having to manually create a list.

Detailed View of Registered Participants: Our platform’s detailed participant view feature provides a comprehensive view of each registered participant, including their contact information, course preferences, and any additional fields you’ve included in your registration form. The “Edit” function allows you to gain a deeper understanding of your participants, get a detailed overview of all the information, and you can tailor your courses to their needs if necessary.

– Overview –
– Detailed View –

Deactivate Button: Our platform also includes a “Deactivate” button, which allows you easily deactivate any inactive or double sign up participants. This helps you keep your registration list up to date and ensures that you keep a clear overview.

Deactivated participants are automatically excluded from the generated pdf list.

– Active Participant –
– Inactive Participant –

By using our platform for course registrations, you can benefit from features such as an automatically generated list, detailed view of registered participants, and the ability to edit or deactivate registrations. These features can help you manage your courses more effectively, save time, and minimise errors.